Friday, September 15, 2023, at 2:15 p.m.

Grime State Office Building, B100

400 E 14th Street

Des Moines, IA 50319


AGENDA[1] [2] [3] 


I.                   Roll Call


II.                 Recognition of Staff, Public, and Press


III.              Approval of Minutes from August 18, 2023 meeting


IV.              Acceptance of Agenda


V.          Public Comment (oral or written) – pursuant to temporary public decorum rules adopted on August 18, 2023 public comment shall be limited to four minutes


VI.      Vote on Petition for Rulemaking submitted September 20, 2023 action needed by Commission by October 20, 2023.


VII.           Standing Business

a.       Director’s Written Report – Executive Director, Kristen Stiffler

i.                  DIAL Merger – Attached Unit              

ii.                Red Tape Review pursuant to Executive Order 10

iii.        Office Updates (legislative, federal contracts, staff update, education and outreach, litigation and case law)

iv.        Iowa Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Report (Overview, Background, Methodology, Finding I: pgs. 1-16; Findings 3: pgs. 18-20) (Executive Director, Kristen Stiffler) Limit to 45 mins


IX.     Old Business


              New Business

a.       Board of Commissions and Review Updates

b.   ICRC vs. Rzonca, hearing October 20, 2023

      i.          Discussion and vote on whether to review the damage award in Iowa Civil Rights Commission, ex rel  v. Rzonca  pursuant to Rule 4.23(2), which says “The commission may initiate review of a proposed decision on its own motion at any time within 60 days following the issuance of such a decision,”


X.                   Commissioners’ Reports

                   Commissioner Holly White

                   Commissioner Marcelena Ordaz

                   Commissioner Dennis Mandsager

                   Commissioner Sam Kooiker

                   Commissioner Don DeKock

                   Commissioner Dr. Kit Ford

                   Commissioner Daniel Kennedy


IX.              Next Meeting October 20, 2023


IIX.                 Adjournment


Any person needing special assistance or with accessibility needs should contact Kaitlin Smith at 515-281-0333 or



Attending the Iowa Civil Rights Commission virtually – please see the below information


The ICRC continues to provide additional options for those wishing to attend virtually.  The ICRC meeting will be set up as a Zoom Webinar and will be recorded.  This recording will be available on the ICRC YouTube page.


Topic: ICRC Commission Meeting Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: v1u0Zb

Or One tap mobile :     +16469313860,,87339960805#,,,,*920756# US    

+13017158592,,87339960805#,,,,*920756# US (Washington DC)

Or Telephone:    

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):    

+1 646 931 3860 US    

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)    

+1 305 224 1968 US    

+1 309 205 3325 US    

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+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)   

 +1 253 205 0468 US    

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Webinar ID: 873 3996 0805 Passcode: 920756    


Virtual Public Comment


This Zoom link will allow for any individual the opportunity to speak during the public comment portion of the Commission meeting.   Please contact Kaitlin Smith with any questions or concerns regarding virtual comment during the ICRC meeting at 515-281-0333 or










Iowa Civil Rights Commission


JUNE & JULY 2023

Below please find the temporary rules adopted by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission on May 19, 2023, unanimously amended on June 16, 2023

Public Comment is the Civil Rights Commission’s opportunity to hear comments from you at the beginning of the Civil Rights Commission meeting for items both on and off the agenda. During Public Comment, the Civil Rights Commission receives comments and refrains from speaking.  The Chairperson may ask the Executive Director to follow up regarding public comments received. The number of speakers will not usually be limited at the public comment; total length of the comment period is desired to not exceed ½ hour, and may be lengthened at the discretion of the Chairperson.

Anyone who wants to speak during Public Comment Period should do the following:

  1. Raise your hand to be recognized by the Chairperson and then come to the podium and state your name and county. If you have handouts, please give them to the Executive Director before the meeting.
  2. Be concise and limit comments to four minutes. You may not save your time for later or yield the remainder of your time to someone else. After speaking, please be seated.
  3. If you are addressing a matter on the agenda, state the agenda item you are speaking about and if you are speaking on more than one agenda item, arrange your comments in chronological order.
  4. Try not to duplicate information that has already been presented.
  5. Direct comments to the entire Commission and not to an individual. Questions and issues raised during this time will generally not be answered during this time.
  6. Maintain a courteous and respectful manner.
  7. If you are the presenter on an item which has been formally placed on the Commission’s agenda, this public forum process does not apply, although you are asked to be succinct in your presentation.

Iowa law requires certain matters to have public hearings, which have their own comment periods. Comments pertaining to a public hearing item should be saved for that item, and the four-minute comment period will also apply for public hearings. this looks like everything we talked about and I am good with it. I just need to know what I can send it out 

I added the Zoom link so there is nothing else on my end.

I removed the blank. does it look okay to go out? It’s hard to see the format on my phone